Bridge Program
The BYU French and Italian Department supports the Utah French Dual Language Immersion (DLI) and Bridge Programs. We are thrilled to have DLI and Bridge students in our French cohorts!
Language Certificate
If you are a Bridge graduate, we recommend you consider the BYU Language Certificate
If a student has taken all (3) Bridge courses and received a B- or better, they are exempt from having to take the (3) required upper-division courses for a BYU Language Certificate and may take the proficiency assessments, making them eligible for a Language Certificate in their first semester at BYU, provided they achieve a minimum proficiency rating of at least Advanced Low on either of the two assessments: the Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) or Writing Proficiency Test (WPT). Applicants take both the OPI and WPT. Students who have not completed all three Bridge courses should contact the French undergraduate advisor to discuss completing the Certificate coursework requirement.
Transfer Credit
Bridge courses may transfer to BYU using the regular application for transfer credit procedures
- Bridge Course 3118 will transfer to BYU as credit for FREN 202.
- Bridge Course 3116 OR 3117 will transfer to BYU as credit for FREN 456R.
FREN 456R is an upper-division course that counts toward French major/minor requirements.
For further information, please contact the French Undergraduate Advisor.
French Undergraduate Advisor