Mentored Research
What is Mentored Research?
Mentored research is the opportunity for students to gain firsthand experience with exciting research projects. Students and professors work together to lead original projects and make new discoveries. All students are invited to participate in mentored research!
To get started, contact a professor who conducts research in an area that interests you. Learn about their available opportunities and any prerequisites for their projects.
Why Should I Get Involved With Mentored Research?
Mentored research is a unique and impactful opportunity for students within the French and Italian Department. This firsthand experience can help you discover what you would like to do in the future and it looks great on a resume.
Participating students have opportunities to formally publish their findings and present their work at professional conferences.
Humanities Undergraduate Mentoring Grants
HUM Grant-funded experiences should be high-impact learning opportunities in which student and faculty research interests converge. A significant project with substantive mentoring should lead to improvement in core humanities learning outcomes, such as advanced research, writing, and presenting.
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Humanities Mentored Experience Grants (H-MEGs)
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Christopher Flood
- Comedy and satire within Medieval and Renaissance contexts, and as they relate to the religious and political conflicts of the period in which they were produced
Jennifer Haraguchi
- Early Modern Italy
- Counter Reformation
- Convent theater
- Women's education, women's writings, women's social and religious history
Bob Hudson
- Poetry: French Lyric Tradition
- Valois France in the Italian Wars, 16th Century Lyon & Lorraine
- Imitation Theory, Petrarchism, Rhetoric & Pléïade Poetics
- French & Italian Cinema (30s, New Wave, Varda/Demy)
Jim Law
- Researching the links between language forms and the meanings they express
- Semantic and pragmatic change in the Romance languages
- Cognitive linguistic tradition, notably Construction Grammar and Frame Semantics, using quantitative corpus methods
Yvon LeBras
- Travel literature
- The French & French Canadian novel
- English-French translation
- Interpretation Lexicography
Daryl Lee
- 19th-century France, with an emphasis on urban representations in literature and media ca. 1848-1900
- French cinema
Marie Orton
- Contemporary migration into Italy and Europe
- Diversity in Italy
- Literature and cinema of migration
- Shoah testimonials
Anca Sprenger
- Modern French literature
- French literature and the sacred
- Romanian and French film
- Food and literature
- Literature of the fantastic
- Romanian contemporary society
French Political Pamphlet Fellowship
The department of French and Italian at Brigham Young University solicits applications for a fellowship that will support a short-term residency allowing for on-site consultation of the pamphlets. The department will cover airfare, food, lodging and provide a $500 honorarium for a scholar to spend up to two weeks in Provo researching the collection.
Apply here