Teaching is an incredibly rewarding profession. If you love French, love Francophone cultures, and want to serve your community, becoming a French teacher is the path for you. Foreign language teaching is more than teaching a language—it is truly helping students shape their understanding of the world. It is a profession that incorporates daily interactions and beneficial collaboration. The United States is experiencing a national language teacher shortage and employer demands for language speakers only keep increasing. French is already the language of international relations. With the data suggesting that French is the language of the future (the fastest-growing regions in the world happen to be regions where French is spoken), there will always be a demand for French teachers.
How do I become a French Teaching major?
Applications to the French Teaching Major are accepted once each Fall and Winter semester.
Application Deadlines:
March 1st
November 1st
First steps:
Declare a French Teaching pre-major by contacting Sarah Sauerbier in the Liberal Arts Advisement Center (JFSB 1041) at 801-422-3541.
Next, complete FLANG 276: Exploration of Teaching Foreign Languages (offered on the first block during Fall and Winter semesters).
Finally, apply to the French Teaching major through Educator Plus (application procedures are explained during FLANG 276).