The challenge exam allows BYU students with a significant immersion experience to receive graded credit for the following courses without taking them:
French 101 (1st Year French Part 1)
French 102 (1st Year French Part 2)
French 201 (Intermediate French Part 1)
French 211R (2nd Year Conversation)
French 311R (3rd Year Conversation)
Note: These classes are not required for and provide no credit toward the Language Certificate, Minor, or Major.
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Who is eligible to take the Challenge Exam?
The following students are eligible to take the Challenge Exam:
Students who have served a French-speaking LDS mission.
Students who learned French at home (“heritage” speakers)
Students who have had a significant immersion experience for which they have not received academic credit. Please discuss this with your instructor and the department for approval.
If you have questions about eligibility please contact the French and Italian Department at (801) 422-2209 or
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Which classes can I challenge?
You can take the challenge exam to receive credit for classes lower than the level you are currently in. For example:
A student taking 321 can take the challenge exam for 101, 102, 201, 211R, and 311R (16 credits).
A student taking 202 can take the challenge exam for 101, 102, 201, and 211R (14 credits).
A student taking 201 can take the challenge exam for 101, 102, and 211R (10 credits).
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Can a grade I receive on the Challenge Exam replace a previous grade?
No, students are not allowed to challenge BYU language classes they have already taken.
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When should I take the Challenge Exam?
You must take the exam in your first language-focused class at BYU, or if you are a returned missionary, your first language-focused class after your mission: FREN 201, 202, or 321. (For questions about French courses, please contact the French Advisor at
If you took FREN 321 before Fall 2021 and still have not taken the Challenge Exam, please contact the department at (801) 422-7213 or email
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How do I challenge the conversation classes 211R and 311R?
Your grades for 211R and 311R come only from your score on the OPIc.
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When is the Challenge Exam offered?
The exam is offered once per semester, near the beginning of the semester (F/W) or term (Sp/Su).
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What is on the Challenge Exam?
The challenge exam focuses on foundational grammar and vocabulary taught in 100- and 200-level classes on campus. There are also sections to evaluate listening comprehension and reading comprehension.
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How can I prepare for the French Challenge Exam?
Concerted effort in your current language course should prepare you for the written and speaking sections of the exam.
If you have more questions please contact the French and Italian Department at (801) 422-2209 or
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What is the Challenge Exam?
The challenge exam allows BYU students with a significant immersion experience to receive graded credit for the following courses without taking them:
Italian 101 (1st Year Italian Part 1)
Italian 102 (1st Year Italian Part 2)
Italian 201 (Intermediate Italian Part 1)
Italian 211R (2nd Year Conversation)
Italian 311R (3rd Year Conversation)
Note: These classes are not required for and provide no credit toward the Language Certificate, Minor, or Major.
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Who is eligible to take the Challenge Exam?
The following students are eligible to take the Challenge Exam:
Students who have served an Italian-speaking LDS mission.
Students who learned Italian at home (“heritage” speakers)
Students who have had a significant immersion experience for which they have not received academic credit.
If you have questions about eligibility please contact the French and Italian Department at (801) 422-2209 or
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Which classes can I challenge?
You can take the challenge exam to receive credit for classes lower than the level you are currently in. For example:
A student taking 321 can take the challenge exam for 101, 102, 201, 211R, and 311R (16 credits).
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Can a grade I receive on the Challenge Exam replace a previous grade?
No, students are not allowed to challenge BYU language classes they have already taken.
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When should I take the Challenge Exam?
You must take the exam in your first language-focused class at BYU, or if you are a returned missionary, your first language-focused class after your mission: ITAL 321.
If you have not yet taken the Challenge Exam for Covid-related circumstances or are currently in Italian classes and have still not taken it, contact the department immediately.
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How do I challenge the conversation classes 211R and 311R?
For ITAL 211R and 311R, your Italian 321 instructor will award this credit through evaluation of class participation.
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When is the Challenge Exam offered?
The exam is offered once per semester, near the beginning of the semester (F/W) or term (Sp/Su).
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What is on the Challenge Exam?
The challenge exam focuses on foundational grammar and vocabulary taught in 100- and 200-level classes on campus. There are also sections to evaluate listening comprehension and reading comprehension.
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How can I prepare for the Italian Challenge Exam?
Concerted effort in your current language course should prepare you for the written and speaking sections of the exam.
If you have more questions please contact the French and Italian Department at (801) 422-2209 or