IMPORTANT: You are responsible for all the information and instructions on this page. Deadlines for these steps will be announced by your instructor.
The Challenge Exam allows BYU students who served an Italian-speaking mission, who learned Italian at home, or who had a significant immersion experience for which they did not receive academic credit, to demonstrate their proficiency and to receive graded credit.
The exam should be taken during ITAL 321.
Native speakers cannot take the exam for credit.
During the registration period, complete the following steps to reserve a place to take the exam. There are no walk-ins accepted for the exam.
Register for the challenge exam here by November 7th.
A $20 fee will be charged to your student account for the test. Once you’re registered, the department will verify that you meet the prerequisites and approve you for the exam.
After being approved, it takes about one day to be able to reserve a time to take the written portion of the exam, which can be done by clicking here. Choose the Italian 000 course. The exam should take no longer than 3 hours to complete.
You will have until November 18th to take the Challenge Exam.
Step 3
For ITAL 211R and 311R, your Italian 321 instructor will award this credit through evaluation of class participation.
After the Exam
You will receive a message through YMessage inviting you to accept your grades online. Please note:
You will only have one year to accept your grades.
You decide which scores you want to appear on your transcript.
The scores you choose will affect your overall GPA and your total credit hours but will not affect credit caps for scholarships, applying to programs, etc.
If you have more questions please contact the French and Italian Department at (801) 422-2209 or