French Challenge Exam Fall Skip to main content

IMPORTANT: You are responsible for all the information and instructions on this page. Deadlines for these steps will be announced by your instructor. Please note: if you have an accommodations letter you are responsible to notify the Department before you take the Challenge Exam.

What is the Challenge Exam?

The Challenge Exam allows BYU students who served a French-speaking mission, who learned French at home, or who had a significant immersion experience for which they did not receive academic credit, to demonstrate their proficiency and to receive graded credit.

What are the prerequisites for the Challenge Exam?

  • The exam must be taken during your first French language-focused class at BYU or your first French language-focused class after your mission.
    • Eligible classes: FREN 201, 202, or 321.
  • Native speakers cannot take the exam for credit.


Step 1 - Take the LASER

What is the LASER?

The Language Self-Evaluation Resource is a self-assessment diagnostic tool designed to help students evaluate their strengths and weaknesses.

How long will the LASER take?

Completion of all components of the LASER takes about an hour.

Deadline for the LASER

You need to complete the LASER before the add/drop deadline. If you do not take the LASER by the add/drop deadline, please contact the French & Italian department.

Take the LASER

If you have problems with any part of the LASER please contact:

Step 2 - Enrollment Services Registration

You must register for the Challenge Exam on the Enrollment Services website by September 30th. There is a $20 non-refundable fee to take the Challenge Exam.

Please note:
  • If you do not complete the LASER, OPIc and/or WPT by the deadlines, your $20 will not be refunded.
  • If you do not finish the French class you are currently in, you will not be able to receive credit for the Challenge Exam.
For eligibility requirements and other FAQ, click here.

Deadline for Enrollment Services Registration

Please register by September 30th.

Register Here

Step 3 - Take the OPIc and WPT

What are the OPIc and WPT?

The Oral Proficiency Interview Computer (OPIc) and the Writing Proficiency Test (WPT) is an online exam that determines your proficiency in spoken French based on functions defined by the ACTFL proficiency scale.


You may take the OPIc and WPT beginning on the day after the Add/Drop deadline, however, we encourage you to sign up to take the OPIc and WPT on different days. The OPIc takes about half an hour and the WPT can be a little bit longer than that. Here are some resources and descriptions of the:

Where do I take the OPIc and WPT?

You will take the OPIc and WPT in the Humanities Testing Lab found in JFSB B153. We recommend you sign up for a time, but walk-ins are allowed.

Deadline for the OPIc and WPT

Take the OPIc and WPT between the Add/Drop deadline and September 30th.
Sign-up Here

Step 4 - Accept your Challenge Exam Grades

When will I get my grade?

Grades from the Challenge Exam will be available for you to either accept or decline during finals week. You will receive a message through YMessage inviting you to accept your grades online. Please note:
  • You have one year to accept your grades.
  • You decide which scores you want to appear on your transcript.
  • The scores you choose will affect your overall GPA and your total credit hours, but will not affect credit caps for scholarships, applying to programs, etc.

How are my grades decided?

The Department has created a rubric to determine your grade for each lover-level class.

View Rubric

If you have questions please review our FAQ page first.

If you have more questions please contact the French and Italian Department at (801) 422-2209 or